LSLLN Online Sessions Video Recordings
LSLLN Webinars
Land Grab Universities: Existence and Obligations
In this webinar, Dr. Joseph Bauerkemper describes the history of the Land Grab (land grant) University system, how the dispossession of land and wealth from Indigenous peoples—with an emphasis here on Dakota and Ojibwe in Minnesota—has benefitted the University of Minnesota, and the obligations that settler institutions have as beneficiaries of this system. He also describes the TRUTH Project (“Towards Recognition and University-Tribal Healing”) a Native-organized, Native-led, community-driven research movement directed by core researchers Misty Blue, Audrianna Goodwin, and An Garagiola. The TRUTH Project illuminates past and present relationships between the University of Minnesota and Native nations, and offers multiple recommendations on how the University can be in better relation with Indigenous peoples.
Deep Winter Greenhouse
In this video, David Abazs and Stefan Meyer share information about the Deep Winter Greenhouse (DWG) in Finland, Minnesota (1.0) including what you grow, how to manage the space, and lessons learned. They also share design details about a few of the newer iterations of the DWG which are larger scale and have a refined layout.
LSLLN Cross-Hub Projects #2
Three panelists shared summaries and reflections about their LSLLN-funded projects that connected people across the Lake Superior watershed. While each project was different, they all connected to themes of social, ecological, and/or intergenerational justice.
- Gabrielle Pulver, Queen’s University
- “Water is Life”: Creative Action to Heal Bodies of Water
- Gavin Shields, Portal North, Inc.
- Justice Stories: Community Voice & Visioning Workshops
- Leigh Potvin, Lakehead University
- Lake Superior Student Sharing Conference
LSLLN Cross-Hub Projects #1
Three panelists shared summaries and reflections about their LSLLN-funded projects that connected people across the Lake Superior watershed. While each project was different, they all connected to themes of food.
- David Thompson, Rural Agri-Innovation Network
- Wholesale Connections: Building producer-institution partnerships to strengthen northern food systems
- Lauren Moran, Rural Agri-Innovation Network
- Hydroponic Growing Project
- Sarah Siska, Thunder Bay and Area Food Strategy
- Towards Foodsheds: Reimagining Food Systems in the Lake Superior Watershed
School Food Systems
In this webinar, four panelists shared their experiences working in school food systems by bringing food into the classroom, kitchen, cafeteria for kids in early care through postsecondary institutions. Presenters shared their experiences from the US and Canada, with a common theme of using food to develop various skills in students and staff.
– Elizabeth MacMillan, Algoma Educational Gardening
– Jayme Anderson, MN Dept of Ed: Farm to School & Early Care
– Randel Hanson, Independent Scholar
– Tarrandath Maharaj, University of Ottawa
Podcasts as Storytelling
In partnership with Portal North Inc., LSLLN hosted a podcast how-to webinar with Gavin Shields. Gavin has a background in video editing and podcasting. In the webinar, he shares some of his insights and expertise. Join Gavin in learning about the art of storytelling through podcasting.
Fate and Effects of Plastics in the Great Lakes
In this LSLLN webinar, Dr. Kennedy Bucci presented on her research about the fate of plastic pollution in the Great Lakes and their effects, highlighted a few Lake Superior projects on this topic, and offered ideas on how we can address this issue.
The Thin Outdoors: Creating a Culture of Fat Inclusion in Outdoor Recreation
In this LSLLN webinar, Dr. Leigh Potvin shared information about fat activism, the importance of intersectionality when understanding and addressing fatphobia, resources where audience members can learn more, and recommendations about how we can create a culture of fat inclusion in outdoor recreation with application in non profit, healthcare, and education settings.
The New Lake Superior: New and Ongoing Climatic Features in Lake Superior
In this LSLLN event, Graham Saunders (Climatologist, Lakehead University) shared data about the changing rate of turnover in Lake Superior and increasing variation in climatic processes. His presentation was followed by a Q and A session reflecting on how this emerging trend could influence multiple sectors and ecological processes.
LSLLN Mini Meet-Ups - 2022
MM17. Climate Action and Justice through design
(Rachel Wagner)
Rachel (Architect and Social Entrepreneur, through design), shared about her journey in the field of architecture and design. Recognizing that widespread transformation is urgently needed to address the compounding factors of climate change, inadequate housing and environmental injustice in our communities, Rachel started through design, Green New Deal Housing, and Green New Deal Homes, which are all working at these intersections to mitigate climate change and work towards social justice. Conversation with audience followed.
MM16. The Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Ed (YEAH)
(Sarah Green)
Sarah (Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Chemistry at Michigan Technological University), shared an explanation and stories about engaging undergraduate and graduate students in the Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education (YEAH network) in Climate Policy. The YEAH network coordinates across universities to bring students to UNFCCC’s annual COP (Convention of the Parties) on Climate Policy where they are immersed in the experience.
MM15. Highway 61 Revisited: Overcoming infrastructure barriers between our communities & Lake Superior
(Jordan van der Hagen)
Jordan (Duluth Waterfront Collective) walks the audience through the history of the development of Highway 35 in Duluth, Minnesota, the impact on communities and neighborhoods (including economic and health impacts and redlining practices), bringing us to the current structure of the highway today and it’s health implications on residents. From there, Jordan shares one proposed vision of a redesigned one-mile section of Highway 35 (to become part of Highway 61) that allows for more green space, more blue space, a parkway that matches the actual traffic load that is needed in this area, and more access points for walking, biking, and even driving between downtown Duluth and Canal Park that prioritizes the safety of all people, accessibility, affordability, and economic regeneration in Downtown Duluth.
MM14. Exploring Sustainability in Postsecondary Institutions in the Lake Superior Watershed
(Ledah McKellar and Ryan Ihrke)
Ledah McKellar (Lakehead University, Thunder Bay hub) & Ryan Ihrke (College of St. Scholastica, Duluth hub) shared about their approach to sustainability, their roles implementing sustainability in postsecondary institutions, and various projects they engage in.
LSLLN Watershed Connections
Watershed Connections
During our first Watershed Connections Event we generated intentional space for continued relationship-building in our mostly-virtual world. We had 20 attendees from all hubs who engaged in activities and conversation in breakout rooms, and the feedback was very positive!
Part of the experience included a doodle describing your work, which have been “stitched together” digitally to create a quilt. We look forward to future events that continue in this spirit.

LSLLN Mini Meet-Ups - 2021
MM13. Lake Superior Ecology and Sustainable Fisheries Management)
(Michael Rennie)
Mike shared a brief biological history of Lake Superior, described some of the influences of colonial fisheries management and invasive species, and described three current research projects about walleye populations in Black Bay, spatial variability in food web structures in Lake Superior, and using stationary acoustic surveys.
MM12. Food & Community
(Kim McGibbon and Rachael Pressley)
Kim described the various work at Roots to Harvest organized by three overarching themes of Youth Employment, Education, and Outreach & Advocacy. Rachael then described the Food Systems Collaborative in the Western U.P. which is working on numerous projects under the themes of food sovereignty, mutual aid, infrastructure, and assessment.
MM11. Solar Commons Project – Bois Forte Food Sovereignty Collaboration
(Dani Pieratos and Kathryn Milun)
Dani and Kathryn shared details about the development of the Solar Commons – Bois Forte Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Agriculture Collaboration and how it brings in reparative justice, local solar for local communities, peer governance, Indigenous food sovereignty, and research with community networking and capacity building.
MM10. Digital Storytelling
(Laura Wyper and Gavin Shields)
Laura shared the concept and practical mechanisms for creating and implementing the “Building Resilience through Food Literacy Video Project” with Community Economic and Social Development Field Placement course (CESD 3017) students and students across Algoma University, Nippissing University and Savonia University of Applied Science in Finlandin Winter 2021. Gavin then shared the process and lessons learned from making the Sustainability Stories video series in Thunder Bay with LSLLN partners in Summer 2020.
The videos that Laura and Gavin reference are available on the LSLLN websites (links below).
MM9. Houghton Hub Introduction
(Erika Vye)
Erika introduced the Houghton Hub of the LSLLN by describing the history of their location including the intersecting ancient geology, the lake, and the people and the approach of the Great Lakes Research Center. She also outlines a number of research, education, and advocacy projects and collaborations in the area, and how the legacy of mining impacts so much today.
MM8. Community Education
(Sue Hamel)
Sue shared a great overview of the structure and seven program areas at Ecosuperior: water, waste, food, active transport, climate, education, and land connections. A discussion followed regarding the role of LSLLN, a four day work week, and the role of education and advocacy.
MM7. Seed Saving
(Rachel Portinga, Zachary Paige, and David Abazs)
Rachel shared a quick summary of research completed in summer 2020 on the impact of community seed saving on wellbeing and resilience. Zachary gave an overview of his business process and goals at North Circle Seeds and shared a bit about his work with White Earth Land Recovery project and seed rematriation. David A shared a quick overview of his work as a farmer and seed saver at Round River Farm in Finland, MN, multiple growing initiatives, and also his role in the Regional Sustainability Development Partnership.
MM6. Regional Food Production, Processing, and Eating
(Julie Allen, Randy Hanson, David Thompson)
Julie and Randy shared the history of the Sustainable Farming Association (specifically the Lake Superior chapter) and an overview of their new website Roots and Recipes. Recipe submissions are currently being requested! David T then shared some of his work regarding local beef production and abattoir development in the Algoma region.
MM5. Municipal Sustainability
(Mindy Granley and Summer Stevenson)
Summer shared an overview of her work with EarthCare Thunder Bay, specifically the Climate Action Plan. Mindy presented an overview of her sustainability work at the City of Duluth.
LSLLN Mini Meet-Ups - 2020
MM4. Exploring Climate Change and Health in Fort William First Nation using arts-integrated methods
(Lindsay Galway and Liz Esquega)
Liz and Lindsay presented about a research project they undertook with members of Fort William First Nation to explore the nexus of climate change and health. The project led to the production of a quilt and a photovoice project with youth. Their slides are available for download.
MM3. Ark of Taste Course Project
(Laura Wyper)
At this Mini Meet-Up, Laura Wyper (Algoma University) shared information about a course project she designed for 2nd year undergrad students incorporating the Ark of Taste and Slow Food Canada. She had help from Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad and many community partners. The work is being published with NORDIK soon.
MM2. Duluth Power Dialog
(Kathryn Milun)
Kathryn shared details about the Duluth Power Dialog approach to engaging community members and students in conversations about climate change and energy transition.

MM1. Batchewana Fisheries Research
(Charles Levkoe and Kristen Lowitt)
This mini meet-up was not recorded. A PDF of the slides about Charles and Kristen’s Lake Superior fisheries work is available.